Micro-Grids, Energy Storage
& CA Rule 21 Solutions
OpenEGrid and FIMER/ABB announce industry’s First UL/Sunspec Certified IEEE 2030.5/Rule 21 Compliant DER Products
Maximizing energy savings and operational efficiencies to facilitate the two way flow of energy.
OpenEGrid is a software company created by a team of experts in Energy, IOT, and Software Infrastructure Architecture who have a passion to apply the emerging technologies in Big Data, Analytics, and Cloud Computing to legacy Energy Systems in order to significantly improve interoperability across Distributed Energy Resources in what is now emerging as the ‘Smart Grid’.
How OpenEGrid platform helps you take control
Energy Efficiency
$$ Savings without compromising Comfort
Demand Response
Yet another brick in the ‘Stacked Revenue’ pyramid
Get paid to help the Utility and your neighbors
Basic building block of the ‘Smart Grid’
Adds ‘Reliability’ to unpredictable Renewables!
EV Charging
into the Future!
Frequency Regulation
Grid support
Manual Override
Take control when situation demands..
Our partners